Hello all!

Seiring dengan akan di terbitkannya ezine omega #1 maka kami selaku omega|staff mengundang kalian semua untuk mengirimkan artikel /tulisan/hasil riset yang kalian buat.

Kami mengharapkan artikel/tulisan/hasil riset yang di kirim membahas seputar:

1. Komputer
2. Keamanan komputer
3. Hacking
4. Hardware tricks /overclocking
5. Phone Hack / Phreaking (cell phone / phone)
6. Programming (web, system, application)
7. Networking
8. Virus/Trojan/Worm
9. Linux, *nix, BSD , MacOS , Windows
10. Atau apa saja yang menurut kalian unik 😀

Jika artikel yang merupakan saduran,atau mengunakan sumber lain maka kami harapkan mencantumkan judul tulisan aslinya dan penulisnya.

Adapun untuk format penulisan artikel dapat di lihat di http://omega.or.id/files/files/form-ezine.txt

Submission/pertanyaan seputar e-zine bisa kalian kirimkan langsung kepada kami ke: ezine@omega.or.id

Batas terakhir artikel kami terima : 25 Januari 2010.

Ezine #1 akan dirilis : 3 Februari 2010

4 Responses to “call of paper for ezine omega”
  1. naraka says:

    I have already visited the site, and have had the ‘about us’page, but still don’t get it. It’s more likely a personal site–judged by its contents–rather than a community (or.id) site.

    I’m a big fan of community site, collaborative project, OSS,and hackerspace. Beyond those things, i do care about policy. Is my article gonna be treated with respect? Will it be copyrighted, in what terms? Or what kind of licenses? that matter.

  2. omicron9194 says:

    omega.or.id is “new” but not new. it’s still a little article.we are opensource.your article can be publish here.for for information contact omega|staff 😀

  3. naraka says:

    Sorry, i’m running an rss bots for this comments, only for a reminder purpose. About the paper, how many submission or title so far?

  4. omicron9194 says:

    you can submit your article about computer,basic as far as advance

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